1. Roald Dahl, me and corporal punishment
The secret of a good education
On my thirteenth birthday I was given a terrible thrashing by my school headmaster, the Hon. Richard Temple Fisher. My crime was giving to a friend a handful of cheese sandwiches smuggled out of a
2. Second tightest race track in the world
How I learned to love horseracing
I grew up on a tobacco plantation, surely one of the most blissful places on earth for a young child to have licence to roam. One of my father`s initiatives was Fiji`s only horse races, which raised
3. Out of my depths in a civil war
Places not to be in 1991 - Croatia
Trying to impress a lady I went to journalism school with, in the autumn of 1991 I hopped on a train in Paris and took myself off to the civil war in what used to be called Yugoslavia. It was by far
4. A very unusual hijacking
File under: Only In Fiji
Fiji`s first coup took place on May 14 1987. I was barely 500 yards from Parliament when gunmen led by then-Lt.Col Sitiveni Rabuka took control. I listened to a breathless almost live report of this
5. Sheptonhurst Ltd
Things I learned at university
I made a couple of calamitous decisions while at university. One was to fall in love with a woman on the other side of the world, and the other was to try to launch a newspaper to take on the very